Groundbreaking New Study Reveals 96.7% of People Have Impostor Syndrome*

Did you know that 96.7% of people worldwide have impostor syndrome? It’s true. Most successful people are just faking it until they make it, hoping to elevate some brilliant new idea without actually having a clue whether they’ll truly be able to stick the landing. An incredible 86.4% of these people are conjuring said magic, despite the fact that that they have absolutely no clue what lies beyond their carefully-curated-but-tenuous, next two steps. These folks actually put on pants, one leg at a time, (mostly sweatpants in 2021), and try to do a thing. Every day. They do so even though they know they may completely humiliate themselves in the process. Can you imagine?

Global Impostor Syndrome Scale

Even for those who radiate “success” it’s important to note that their unflappable confidence probably did not germinate in a silo. They likely waded through heavy doses of courage, vulnerability, conversation and self-doubt before taking that first leap towards putting their tiny seedling of an idea into the world. If you’re feeling stalled, ill-equipped, underwater or stagnant, breathe deeply. Nobody was born with all the answers. Nobody. (Except maybe Morgan Freeman).

Might you have a deep, dark (work-related) ambition that’s been haunting you? One that you can’t seem to get off the ground due to capacity, time constraints, fear, resistance, generalized anxiety and/or paralysis? If you are in the market for a cheerleader-ideator-organizer-accomplice-manifestor to help you sort out the gritty details, I’ll happily be your plus one. You, me, and your therapist are going to do amazing things together. Just you watch.

Yours in collusion,


(* p.s. The statistics above aren’t based on empirical data—only gut feelings—which more things in the world should be based on, I believe).